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“Randers’ give a clear-eyed portrait of people and events in the turbulent sixties, told from the perspective of a military Airman. Maverick Radar Airman is a detailed rich, and fascinating memoir. From fellow Airmen to fist fights, nubile hippy chicks and drug crazed travels, Randers tells it like it was. Serious, humorous, enlightening, all at once, Randers spills his guts out, to tell the truth of those times, by offering us wisdom for today. A remarkable exceptional book.

- Paul Legler, author of “Song of Destiny”

“Maverick Radar Airman chronicles author J.B. (Jim) Randers’ journey through the tumultuous 1960s, a decade which certainly lived up to its theme song, “The Times They Are A-Changin.” Wars and assassinations were happening everywhere, but so were movements promoting civil rights, women’s rights, voting rights, and equal pay. Jim reflected the diversity of those fascinating days by being both a serious thinker and a bit of a “wild child,” a respecter of tradition and an enthusiast for what’s new, a pacifist and an activist. While much of the historical events of the 60s happened in the southern and western United States, where Jim was stationed, he was also up on the frozen tundra of Alaska serving his country through its Air Force. However, cold temperatures don’t freeze history. This book follows Jim’s progress through that very eventful time. His writing is strong but not too long, creative but not imitative, relevant but not overly elegant. Enjoy as he shares his military odyssey!”

-Wayne Adams, author of “Downhill Is Where the Fun Is”, “My Backwards Day” and “My Best Friend Doesn’t Talk to Me”

At Home in Minnesota

At Home in Minnesota

1965 in Denver Colorado

1965 in Denver Colorado